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Agriculture Insurance

What is provided by an agricultural insurance?

  • Agricultural crops: wheat, barley, barley, oats, rye, rice, sunflower, corn, rapeseed, soybean, mustard, coriander, sugar beet, etc.
  • Vegetable and potato crops
  • Medicinal and aromatic plants
  • Forage crops
  • Tobacco
  • Hop cultures
  • Plantations of vines
  • Orchards of fruit trees

Farmers are protected against damage to crops as a result of the following natural phenomena:

  • Hail
  • fire
  • the storm
  • torrential rain – direct effects
  • collapse / slip of cultivated land
  • early autumn frost
  • late spring frost
Advantages of agricultural insurance:

• Flexibility in determining the insured amount: the amount insured per hectare is established by multiplying the average production per hectare by the amount insured per kg, agreed by both parties

• Possibility to revalue the insurance contract. Additional insurance may be concluded in the course of the insurance, either for the increase of the amounts / kg initially insured, or for the increase of the average production / hectare insured, if the expected production is higher than the one estimated at the conclusion of the insurance

• Flexibility in determining payouts, the payment of the insurance premium being made in installments, in terms of amounts and terms agreed upon by mutual agreement


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