Asigest in Romania
Our team
Asigest Romania is part of an international and independent group of insurance brokers, founded in Italy more than a quarter century ago. Worldwide, Asigest Group operates with more than 700 professionals. Asigest Romania offers insurance and consulting services with over 200 employees and partners, both through its national branches and through its partners. Maintaining the top of the brokers in the corporate insurance segment as well as the continuous development of the network of partners is the balance and the stability necessary for the continuity of the company in the insurance market in Romania.
We're innovating
We have innovative solutions, know-how and professionalism. We have proof. We have carefully looked at the needs of our customers and have developed two special insurance products: Stem Cell Assurance and CMR & CARGO Insurance. Both have great success.
How we work
We do a detailed analysis of your needs. Based on this analysis, we are looking for the right insurance solution for you. We offer you several variants that you can choose. We guarantee that this will be efficient, professional and economical.
What we offer
We offer you specialized consulting and Risk Management. We guarantee you free delivery of the policy at your home within 24 hours, we notify you by phone and SMS about the due dates or the expiration of the insurance and we can come to your home to collect the rates of the policies already issued.
We have always relied on the stability of our relationship with our partners, on trust and on a rapid reaction, together, to any external challenge. We still count on it. When we say partners, we think about clients, insurers, our affiliates, but also shareholders.
Our mission and vision
Both our mission and our vision have in the foreground our clients. For them we exist, and only because of them we will continue to function. In the almost a quarter of a century, and beyond, we positioned ourselves as a “trustworthy” adviser and capable consultant of which our clients are in need when choosing the right insurance. The guarantee we offer to all who contact us is that through our professionalism we will find the best solution in accordance with their needs. And further on, we guarantee that we will add value to the chosen insurance product.