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ABC Asigurari Reasigurari SA

One of the objectives of ABC Asigurari Reasigurari S.A. is to be the trusted insurer of construction and assembly companies operating in Romania providing competitive insurance services at competitive prices and developing mutually profitable partnerships.


The foundation of the current Allianz-Ţiriac Asigurări business was set up in 1994, with the establishment of the Insurance Company "Ion Ţiriac" SA (ASIT). Starting from scratch, the company quickly established itself as the hierarchy of private insurance companies.


For more than 20 years, ASIROM has been the traditional insurance company of the Romans, providing them with the safety and comfort they need, permanently defining the trends of the local insurance market.

Asito Kapital

The principles that define Asito Kapital in customer relationship are professionalism, flexibility, operability, transparency, innovation and, most importantly, customer care. We founded ourselves in July 1998 under the umbrella of Lukoil.

Bupa International

BUPA International, part of the BUPA Group, the main private health insurance house in the UK, has been providing international health insurance worldwide for over 35 years, and in Central and Eastern Europe since 1996. Using the experience and resources accumulated, the Group BUPA currently assures over 10 million people from 115 nationalities in more than 190 countries around the world. The insurance covers both people working in a country other than the country of residence ("Expat"), as well as citizens of countries where the national health system is not satisfactory, such as Romania.

Colonnade Insurance S.A.

Colonnade Insurance S.A. (Colonnade) is a non-life insurance company in Luxembourg, fully owned by the Fairfax financial group and set up for a strategic expansion of Fairfax insurance in Central and Eastern Europe.


World leader in credit insurance, Coface has been helping at least 70 years to develop companies and contribute to their sustainability around the world.

Ergo Asigurari

Ergo Asigurări is authorized to carry out general insurance business in Romania starting with July 9, 2007. Our mission is to offer personalized insurance services and products easy to use and delivered.

Euler Hermes

Euler Hermes is the world leader in commercial credit insurance, with a market share of 34.9%, with more than 6000 employees in over 50 countries.


A tradition that began in 1994, Euroins now represents, on the insurance market in Romania, a notable presence that combines the social dimension of the insurance sale with the human dimension.

Eurolife ERB Romania

Eurolife ERB Romania is a leading company in the industry, with more than 10 years of experience on the local market. The company covers a complex portfolio of risks for both natural and legal clients: life insurances, invalidity insurance, unemployment insurance, real estate insurance, accident insurance, civil liability, unit-linked.

Compania de Asigurări Reasigurări EXIM Romania

Reinsurance Insurance Company EXIM Romania has established itself as a professional entity, specialized in providing financial risks, both for export operations and for domestic commercial operations.

Generali Group

Two centuries of experience in financial and insurance services can give you the certainty that through Generali you benefit from the optimal protection for you and your goods.


Established in 1995 as a limited liability company, it started its activity in the first half of 1996, and later became a joint stock company. In its activity, it supports the ever more demanding needs of assuring clients, transport and tourism operators and beyond, and is constantly concerned with the diversification of its insurance products portfolio. The company's specialists respond with professionalism and promptness to the most demanding requests regarding the insurance products offered.

Allianz-Tiriac Unit

With nearly 200 years of insurance experience, Gothaer is the insurer choosing over 3.5 million customers, managing a portfolio of assets over 22 billion euros.

Grawe Romania

Grawe Romania is part of the Grawe International Financial Group, benefiting from its over 180 years of existence. Our long tradition of insurance has allowed us to build a diversified portfolio of clients.


Groupama, o companie multinationala de origine franceza, si-a consolidat prezenta in Romania prin achizitia a trei companii. Principiile de baza dupa care se ghideaza Groupama sunt Proximitate, Responsabilitate si Solidaritate.

Grupul Mondial Assistance

Groupama, a multinational company of French origin, has strengthened its presence in Romania by acquiring three companies. The basic principles that Groupama guides are Proximity, Responsibility and Solidarity.


OMNIASIG Vienna Insurance Group has been present on the Romanian insurance market since 1995. The market share, the customer and product portfolio, the guarantee of compensation services confirms the top position that OMNIASIG Vienna Insurance Group occupies today in Romania.

The Natural Disaster Insurance Pool (PAID)

The Natural Disaster Insurance Pool (PAID) is a private insurance-reinsurance company, formed by the association of insurance companies for the compulsory housing insurance, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 260/2008. PAID was established as an insurance company in November 2009 through the joint effort of 12 insurance companies (ABC Asigurari, Astra Asigurari, Carpatica Asig, Certasig, City Insurance, Credit Europe Asigurari, Euroins Romania, Generali, Grawe Romania, Platinum Insurance and Uniqa Insurance), PAID shareholders.


The SIGNAL IDUNA Group was formed in 1999 by bringing together two companies with more than 100 years of experience. On the Romanian market is the presence of 2008 offering complete packages of health, life and accident insurance.

UNIQA Insurance

UNIQA Asigurari became a member of UNIQA Group Austria, with the takeover at the end of 2008 of UNITA, the first privately owned company in Romania.

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